Archive for February, 2010
Wasn’t too much pubic esteem his problem in the first place?
Source: The Improper
Story title: Tiger Woods to Speak; Here’s How He Can End Scandal
Sometimes I wonder if some of these are really an accident at all. A story about Tiger Woods, in an online rag called The Improper, with a line about Woods’ pubic esteem. I mean really, it’s just too perfect.
The Dangerous Non-Compliance of Large Pubic Debt
Source: Forbes
Story title: Greece And The E.U.’s Missing Teeth
Paul Maidment is Editor, you guys.
A Crucial Department for Any Serious City
Source: KYPost
Story title: Many Roads Still Snow Packed
Great quote a couple paragraphs down… “You just gotta take your time.” Good advice regarding any kind of pubic works.
I’d just as soon not scrutinize that, thank you.
Source: The Lantern
Story title: Palin uses media to keep fresh for 2012 election
Sarah Palin, “keeping fresh,” “pubic scrutiny.” Ew. Ew. Ew.
Ting-a-ling: You’re fired from writing ad copy.
Source: Honda web ad
Spotted by: Flickr user BlueAlgae
You would think that with only eleven words, writing copy for internet ads would be a pretty hard task to screw up. You would of course be wrong. You are always wrong. How does it feel to be so wrong all the time.
Rein in that pubic confusion
Source: Orillia Packet & Times
Story title: Pubic confusion reined during flu pandemic
Pubic reins? Those kinky Canadians.
rein: v. to control or direct with or as if with reins
reign: v. to be predominant or prevalent
Seattle’s Joel Connelly Not Fond of Mayor’s Prying Ways
Story title: Can McGinn recover from early miscues?
Apparently people in Seattle just aren’t that interested in giving pubic input to the police. Seems like the police should probably have more important things to do anyway than concerning themselves with what’s going on in people’s bedrooms.
Note that the author Joel Connelly also writes for a blog called “Strange Bedfellows.” So I suppose you can’t blame him for having his mind… somewhere else.
Diversity and Acceptance… For the Kids?
Source: Newswire
Story title: Artist Elio Lopez Unveils Seventh Public Work to Inspire Diversity and Acceptance
I’m pretty sure most people are not going to be inspired to acceptance of exposing children to that particular kind of art. Pretty sure that’s the kind of thing that gets you sent to prison.
After School Special
Source: MyFoxNY
Story title: NYC School Closures
Apparently education in New York is somewhat different than where I come from. I can’t help but wonder what kind of “after-school activities” their pubic schools offer. Yikes.
Demanding a Brain Monitor but Still Clueless
Source: PRWeb
Story title: Clueless In Chicago
You can demand brain monitors all you want, but what I think you should probably be looking for is a proofreader. Just sayin’.