You Forgot a Letter

it seems like something might be missing

Archive for the ‘h’ tag

I hate when they charge extra for that.

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Source: Papa Murphy’s Coupon
Spotted by: Flickr user jesman

Coupon typo on Flickr by jesman

Cookie Doug sounds like a pretty rad super hero. I can’t believe Papa Murphy’s can afford to just give him away for free like that.

Written by Pubic Servant

March 12th, 2010 at 12:00 pm

Posted in Ads

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Ting-a-ling: You’re fired from writing ad copy.

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Source: Honda web ad
Spotted by: Flickr user BlueAlgae

Someting new to Crave.

You would think that with only eleven words, writing copy for internet ads would be a pretty hard task to screw up. You would of course be wrong. You are always wrong. How does it feel to be so wrong all the time.

Written by Pubic Servant

February 14th, 2010 at 9:30 am

Posted in Ads

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