Archive for the ‘public’ tag
Oh it’s unique, all right.
Source: The Oregonian
Story title: Arbitrator’s ruling threatens to unravel reforms to Portland’s unique pubic safety disability fund
Most municipalities leave pubic safety up the the individual, but Portland goes above and beyond.
Those Crazy Murfreesboroians
Source: Murfreesboro Post
Story title: ‘Boro Parks and Rec to hold pubic hearings
Let’s just leave it at that. I don’t really want to know more.
Japanese Culture is Weird
Source: CNET Crave
Story title: Japan’s ZMP to sell golf cart-size robot car
I kinda wonder what goes on in Japanese hospitals such that they are considered “pubic facilities.”
Interesting Assets in Bermuda
Source: The Royal Gazette
Story title: The 2010 Budget Statement in full
I think “ecotourism” may mean something different in Bermuda than what I’m used to.
Let’s not combine those concepts.
Source: Times Online (UK)
Story title: Joe Biden: ‘it’s easy being Vice President, you don’t have to do anything’
I think that the British may be confusing our presidents and vice presidents. We had one a couple decades ago that got into some trouble for opening his mouth in pubic, but I don’t think anyone wants to imagine Biden in a similar circumstance. Ew.
It means they’re REALLY angry I guess?
Source: CNBC
Story title: Greece, Germany Argue About WWII Reparations
Greece has some funky kinda protests, it would seem.
Unlawful Exposure
Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Story title: Washington bikini barista charged with exposure wearing only a thong and X-shaped pasties
Unlawful pub—hey, wait a minute… That one actually kinda makes a little sense. Almost.
Shield the comic book geeks
Source: Charleston Daily Mail (via the Washington Post)
Story title: Rare Superman comic sells for a record $1 million
Wait, shielded from the pubic? I don’t follow. I could maybe see how their respective pubics should be shielded from a swift kick by a big bad bully, but whose pubic are they being shielded from? Never mind, scratch that. I don’t want to know.
A vigorous debate about the dream of engagement
Source: The Huffington Post
Story title: Creating Engaged Public Research Universities
I’d take that a step further. If you’re going to go to an elite pubic university, you should not just be engaged, you should be married.
Let’s try to focus on the present for a bit.
Source: NewsWire
Story title: Newswire The Future of Pubic Relations in an SEO Internet World
Pro tip: When you’re publishing a piece that includes the claim that “we get your content noticed by the right people for the right reasons,” try not to include an embarrassing typo in your headline.